Thank you all for the replies.
I am super nervous because at my last appointment my dr. said something to the effect of "you'll always have some pain you have to push through." He's hinting I think that I am not trying enough or something. I don't get it, I got through school with a hole in my lung and was the head of the class. He's usually really good and has helped me a lot,but now I'm nervous as to how to tell him about my pain. He will be deciding if I get ot keep my medical benifits from the state this week. I feel I've improved on the new medicene,but I still don't feel I could manage a full time job. And if I lose my benifits I lose all my medicene. I don't know how I'd ever get by. I can barely walk if I miss a dose or two. I'm trying my best to figure out a quick way to convey that I'm still not doing well without sounding as if I am...not doing well. I just started phyiscal theropy and am now up to 9 pills a day, before this fybro diagnosis I rarely took anything,but tylenol. Wish me luck, I may need it.