I'm always talking about
relaxation therapy because I know the benefit it gives me...it really does help with the pain.
Years ago, A chiropractor told me I wasn't breathing correctly...he called me a shallow breather. He taught me how to breathe from my diaphragm.
Put a hand on your chest and the other on your stomach
Take a deep breath in...the hand on your stomach should rise...not the one on your chest
Let the air go out gently...feel the hand on your stomach go down.
When I do deep breathing exercises, I take in a slow easy breath to the count of 4...hold it for 2 and let it out to the count of four. It takes practice before it comes naturally.
I also use visual imagery...I close my eyes and imagine I'm on the beach with the warm sun on my body and a light breeeze blowing. I can feel my fingers running through the sand, and hear the waves roll in.
Sometimes, I will use meditation along with the visual imagery or will play some of my favorite mellow music...I like listening to the Moody Blues.
If you haven't tried relaxation therapy, it is worth a try...it has helped relieve lots stress for me...I'd be lost without it.
Hugs, Robin