Last week my back went out again and I went to my doctor. He suggested I try chiopractic treatment. He gave me pain meds but said he feels the back pain may be more than just the slipped disk and he thought it might help me. I had my first apt. yesterday. The chiopractor was very nice and understood Fibro. He said I had Fibro worse than anyone he's seen and he would take it easy on me. Some things he did were very painful but after the apt. I didn't hurt as bad. I thought well ok, we can do this.
I went back to work for 4 more hours and by the time I got home last night my pain was getting pretty bad. I was out of the one pain med so I called the doctors office and told his nurse what happened and how I was feeling. She said he wouldn't return until tomorrow.
This morning I felt like a truck hit me and backed up over me. My back pain was more intense but the rest of my body hurt soooo bad. I had to call off work. I haven't called off work for Fibro pain since I started this job a year ago. I called the doctors office again and the nurse didn't think he would perscribe me anything. She called back 15 minutes later and said he called in the script. I don't care for his nurse much she always acts like his mother or something. I'm glad my doctor understood.
I am feeling a little better now that I have something for the pain but I have another apt. both Wed. and Thurs. I am not sure I should go. Has anyone here had good results? Does the pain get less if you keep going? I can't keep missing work. Thanks for your input.