Hello. Yesterday I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I've been able to deal with the pain last night and this morning kind of well. Next week I need to get an MRI done to rule out any type of bone damage or whatever. I'm not very concerned as I had an MRI six years ago and there has not been anything traumatic since then. My only issue is with the pain medicine they prescribed, I feel like they started me at way to low of a dose. I was taking 2x 5mg Oxycodone capsules every four-six hours prescribed by my primary. This barely made it so I could get it through the day. When I went to the pain clinic yesterday I was prescribed Percocet 5/325 every six hours, not to exceed 2/day. I'm ecstatic to finally have minor relief, but I don't know how to talk to my doctor on my next visit about
upping my dose. I'm already on Cymbalta 60mg. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm worried about
looking like I'm just trying to get high because I'm only nineteen. You get treated differently when you're young, they assume everything
very prejudice.