When to quit working is a big and difficult question. I quit when I could no longer sit, walk, stand, or even lay comfortably. The pain was so bad that I could not breathe without extreme pain. It even hurt to cry. My onset was dramatic...I was perfectly fine, walking through the mall and all of the sudden, could not stand up the pain was so bad. My husband had to carry me out.
I was not new to chronic illness, as I was diagnosed with Lupus 3 years prior and continued to work and had a child. It was about
a month and a half after having my child that this happened. I had years of testing and eventually came to the conclusion that it was fibro.
I think that if I had been on the right meds I might have been able to work longer...but when a flare hits, I could be out of commission for a week or more sometime...no employer likes that! Have you thought about
meds to help with the pain? It is trial and error but they can help.
Just remember that your health is important and that if you don't pay attention to it, you could really be unable to help your family in any way...financially or emotionally. It is a hard illness, but you can learn techniques to make your quality of life better!
Best of luck!