Hello fellow fibromites,
I had a bout several weeks ago with acute edema. My right knee and my left foot and ankle. I went to my rheumy and she drew a wonderfully bright yellow fluid off of my knee. Lab results were psuedo gout, recieved steriod shot and slowly the fluid came off. I've still been having issues with me knee and need to go see an orthopedic doc. Yesterday, I was out running small errands and noticed my legs were feelig tight. When I got home I looked in the mirror and my calves and feet and ankles were swelling. At first this morning things had calmed down but the longer I'm up I'm starting to swell again. I was speaking to my mom about this and she revealed that my grandmother had something simular and was put on bed rest and they dx her with Brights disease. Have any of you heard of this??
I looked it up and sure enough allot of symptoms that I have and have been having recently are related...my lower back has been excrutiating me..and so I thought I need another esi.. so many other symptoms that i won't repeat (unpleasant). I think this may be another reason to remind ourselves that even though we are hurting..it's not always related to fibro...or is it???
Called my rhuemy for a referral...bed rest for this Nana for the weekend..look forward to hearing your comments..
I also wanted to thank any of you that may be Veteran or have family that have or now serving for your service!!!!! Thank you just doesn't seem enough!
Happy Memorials day!!!!