June 29/12:
I saw the physiatrist this week so thought I'd update you. I'm glad the appointment is over with because the stress of anticipation was worse than the appointment itself.
That said, the physiatrist was very clear that she is not my doctor and there would be no doc-patient relationship between us. She is assessing me and being paid by the insurance company so her report goes directly to them and I don't get any info until the insurance company releases it to me.
The doc was a bit scary. Her personality is just like the TV show woman, Judge Judy. Very harsh, no empathy and crossing the line to rudeness many times. She interrogated me like I was a crime scene witness and then did a physical exam. She did the pressure points (very painful!) and observed my spine while I was standing and walking. She had me hold my limbs out in various positions.
I have no idea what she concluded from any of that or what her thoughts about my condition are at all. She asked why I don't work from home so I can rest as needed during the day. I said that my employer would not allow that and that I could not work full-time anyway because of the fatigue. She seemed stuck on the fact that the type of work I do is stuff that can be done from home and I really don't need to be in an office environment. We'll see what that means once the insurance company gives their take.
I'll let you know how it goes!
Hi Everyone,
Have any of you ever seen a Physiatrist? I'm seeing one next week at the direction of my insurance company. I had never heard of one before but apparently they are MDs specializing in muscular skeletal pain and chronic pain.
If anyone has experience with this type of specialist I'd like to hear your views.
So, the mini-meltdown... I'm feeling very stressed and have been having nightmares for a couple or few weeks. As some of you may know, my insurance company through my work has been a bit difficult about my short-term disability claim. I've been on ST disability for 8 weeks now and the insurance company feels they don't have significant evidence that I am disabled. They sent me to an Occupational Therapist last week (2 days for 4 hours each day... arghhhh and ouch!). The OT said that she thinks I should not work full-time anymore but that I could work part-time on a very flexible schedule. Ya know, because there are tons of jobs out there that accommodate part-time flexible schedules.
Hey, I'm getting deja vu. I hope I haven't already posted about this and forgot... fibro fog is bad right now.
So, the insurance company is also sending me to the Physiatrist and they are cutting off my benefits on the day of my appointment next week until they get the reports back from the OT and the Physiatrist and reassess my application. They have been giving me benefits "without prejudice" until my specialist appointment, then I get cut off.
I'm melting down at the thought of not having an income at all and also that I think the insurance company is going to deny my claim. If they do that then I'm not sure what to do next... get a lawyer and fight it but I know it takes a long time.
I'm stressed at the thought of not having an income anymore. We can live off my husband's salary but we'll have to change our lifestyle (of course) and have very little to put away for savings. I know that is better than what a lot of people deal with but I can't help feeling scared and worried. I'm only 43 and already I cannot work full-time. Good gawd, what if I didn't have a spouse to depend on? It shouldn't be this hard.
Your thoughts and experiences are more than welcomed!