Hello everyone, I have not posted in a very long time, but had some new symptoms come up and wanted opinions if it could possibly be Fibro.
I usually post on the Lupus forum. I do not have Lupus but have Inflammatory Arthritis. Just in the last four weeks I have been experiencing extreme knee and leg burning, front and back, even into my groin area (where my panty line is). Have never had anything like this before.
In my knees it feels mostly in the joints and the muscles on top and back of my legs, (thighs, calves, shins. Also my lower back, and vertebra halfway up my spine. I was also thinking maybe I had siatica (sp)?
It bothers me during the daytime but not as much as night. I cannot sleep for the burning aching pain. Daytime I alternate Mobic with Iburrophen, maybe 2-3 times a week on the Mobic, then with the Ibuprophen. I try to wait until bedtime to take my Lortab just so I will be able to sleep. I also take Ativan as a muscle relaxer. I'm beginning to think this is not enough to get me through the night.
Thinking it was the arthritis I started on a round of predisone, (10 mg then 5) for two weeks. So far it hasn't helped a lot. So it made me thing it could be Fibro. I have never been diagnosed with this but go to my Rheumotologist August 27. I feel like I don't have enough criteria for the diagnosis. I always have shoulder, neck, elbow, knee, hip, (well pretty much all over) pain but nothing like this. I am pretty good about not taking too much medication unless I absoulutely need too. I also take Plaquenil for the arthritis. I hate drugs, but need some relief.
I try to keep moving and am also doing exercises for siatica that my husband does. The stretching feels really good but then goes back to the burning sensation.
I don't know what to think about all this.
Would appreciate any input on this. Sorry the post is so long. Thank you AnnieRae