Hi, Tannersmom, and welcome! We have a thread called Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot there. All the links are good so do read them.
You might start out by reading Symptoms, What Else Could It Be, and A Thorough Explanation of Fibromyalgia. In What Else Could It Be, you will see illnesses that have many of the same symptoms as fibro so this is why it is good to let your doctor handle this. I would call, though, and make sure they treat fibromyalgia patients just in case. There are still some doctors out there that are in the Dark Ages when it comes to fibro. If your doctor doesn't believe in fibro, you can either change doctors or see a board certified rheumatologist. Again, check to make sure the rheumatologist treat fibromyalgia patients. (Yes, there are a few rheumies out there that think this is a garbage can illness. GRRR) Rheumatologists are usually the ones that diagnose this illness after ruling out those other illness first. I, myself, have an Internist and a rheumatologist taking care of me. I always get board certified doctors too.
Also in Fibro 101 is a link to a journal and also pain charts that describe the pain. One even has faces to help you. You can print those out and start keeping a journal as to what you do and how it makes you feel. Take these to your doctor (including the pain charts so he/she knows what you used in your journal) and this will help your doctor a lot, too. It's a better description than what you could tell them.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.