Hi I was wondering if any of you can help me please ?
I am wondering if you think I could have fibromyalgia I feel I have a few of the syptoms and wonder if you think it could be this,
,y symptoms include:
very painfull back , lower all across the base up my spine into my shoulders
knees are painfull but not constant
I suffer badly with IBS , this is not constant but very regular
I have suffered on and off with depression for years
sometimes if I sit for a long period I get slight numbness in my legs and a strange feeling in my waist
slight to severe tiredness quite a lot even when Ive had a good sleep
when I touch or anyone else touched the back of my ribs slighly it seems very painfull and sometimes painfull for 10 or so seconds after touching
I did goto my doctors with the back pain and he sent me for an xray which came back fine, but as Ive been looking onn the internet I came across this and kind of think it might be possible that am suffering ?
I also had blood test which came back fine ???
I'm very confused and would like some help please