Hi, Lady, and welcome! Everyone here has a different story how they think they developed fibro. Some were born with it, some were in an accident or went through a traumatic event. Some were sick, like you, too! Me? None of the above. I was watching TV and the pain started in my toes and worked up my body in a 45 minute period...and that was 25 years ago. The researchers think this is a neurological illness so that's why the doctors are giving out antidepressants and anticonvulsents.
Fibromyalgia is called a syndrome because they don't know what causes this yet. It's not all in your head. This illness is recognized by the American Medical Association, the American College of Rheumatology, the National Institutes of Health, and the World Health Organization...just to name a few. But, there are still doctors out there in the Dark Ages about this illness. You need to make sure that whatever doctor you go to does treat fibro patients.
I have a board certifed Internist and also a board certified Rheumatologist for my doctors. My Internist generally takes care of everything for me...including fibro. We have a good relationship and he wasn't offended when I turned down Cymbalta, Lyrica, and Savella. He understands where I am coming from. He knows I do a lot of research about things and I do know what I'm talking about with my various illnesses. Knowledge is power...no matter what illness you have. We all need to be our own advocate when it comes to our bodies. No one knows our bodies better than we do.
I don't believe fibro is a symptom of something else. It's its' own entity...just like other illness. How it affects each of us can be different. I have no problems with foods but others do. Keep a food diary and if you see that your eyes feel like they are bulging, check to see what you have eaten and mark it. Next time, this happens, check your diary again and you will be able to see what could possibly be causing this sensation...if it is caused by food, that is. Some are sensitive to gluten or caffeine or dairy products, etc. Most of us don't have that problem.
I'm like you. I don't want to put chemicals in my body if I at all can prevent it. But remember, herbs can cause your body to react in a bad way, too. You have to be very careful. Mixing some herbs can cause a lot of problems. I do take some prescription meds for other problems but only one prescription med for fibro....a muscle relaxer called Robaxin. That has made a huge difference in me and I don't have side effects from it either. I also take ibuprofen with food extra strength Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements, vitamin D3 supplements, and an alternative pain product called Curamin. I also pace myself, do daily stretching exercises, and daily gentle exercise like walking and swimming. All of this helps me be in control of my pain and fatigue.
I also have myself on a sleep schedule. This has helped me get the rest I need. The muscle relaxer really helped with that, too. No more waking up because of muscles going into a spasm.
Be sure to read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro and you will learn a lot there. Good starting links for you are called Symptoms and A Thorough Explanation of Fibromyalgia. You most likely will see yourself there. Another good link is called Doctors Respond to New York Times Article. Here learned doctors explain what they are learning about this illness to people who thought it was all in our heads! There are links about some of the supplements I take and how they work in the body, too.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.