Snowbunny, I agree with you completely that one must weigh the potential side effects which (as you said), can be very serious.
As a matter of fact, when my undiagnosed issues started (Fibro? CFS?), I was really freaked out, because my first symptom was swollen lymph nodes all over my body. Since I'm on Enbrel and methotrexate, both of which have lymphoma as a potential side effect, I was scared to death!
Subsequent tests showed that lymphoma was not the problem, and that my swollen nodes were "reactive" as opposed to cancerous, but that's all they can tell me, so I understand Linnikay's desire for a diagnosis.
My symptoms (which progressed to pain which seems identical to what some experience from fibro, although I still seem to have some lymph swellling) have been going on for a year now, and my rheumy finally told me that apparently what I have is "not progressive" and that she would treat the symptoms rather than continuing to search for a diagnosis.
She also told me that although fibro "has a big umbrella", she said if my problems are fibro, it's the "oddest case she's ever seen".
Well, didn't mean to hijack the thread, but just wanted Linnikay to know that I understand what she's going through in wanting a diagnosis...fear and wondering can make you crazy!