Somehow I tweeked something in my neck today. Well, I know HOW; I changed the sheets on the dare I and spoke on the phone while holding it to my ear last night. Today has been nothing but nerves running amok all over my body and the feeling like I had had "one drink" too many. This is on top of the constant Fibro pain. Finally at about
3 pm I gave in and took 2 (.25) and chased it with 2 Advil. Within about
a half hour I could think straight again and the level was back to about
a 4 or 5. Since after a day like today, I know from experience that I will have muscle fasiculations when I go to try and sleep for the night so I will repeat but sub Tylenol for the Advil. If I can get a decent night's sleep, it will break the cycle and I will feel better tomorrow. Wish me luck!