So I started my job last night and it went pretty well. I haven't done CNA work for over a year and forgot how many muscles you use for that job. I am extreamly sore this morning but feel okay other than that. I am very glad that I chose to work part time. I honestly don't think I could do this full time it takes alot out of you and my body is no where what it used to be. I am hoping and keeping myself positive that I will beable to do this job for a at least a year or more. They do know that I have Fibro and so far have been very understanding about
it which I love and hope that lasts. I am also hoping that this doesn't cause a flare up which is something I worry about
alot when I am working but so far so good. I just have gotten used to my body becoming pretty darn angry at me when I use my body like this. Unfornunately with this kind of work there isn't much of a choice. You can ask for help with the people that take two to lift but other than that your on your own so wish me luck and thanks for letting me share