Robin, I was like that for years. I had to get up and walk around. I had muscle pain, leg cramping, and there was no possible way for me to get comfortable. Some nights I just got on the computer and hoped for the best.
The leg cramping stopped once I upped my dose of calcium, due to osteoporosis. I didn't know it could help cramping so I checked it out and it does.
I still had all the muscle cramping but that is so much better since I started taking my muscle relaxer, Robaxin. I take half the amount the rheumy prescribed and it works great for me with no side effects. I used to hate going to bed because just lying down caused me extra pain. I felt bruised all I had been beaten by a baseball bat. I still get that some but not nearly as badly as before Robaxin.
Still, I do get up once in the middle of the night. Before I get out of bed, I do stretches. I use the bathroom, come back and sit on the edge of the bed and lay across my lap and let my arms hang loosely down towards the floor. I let my head hang loosely, too. This stretches those back and some hip muscles, along with the shoulders and neck. For me it feels wonderful. Then I slowly sit up...using my arms and not my back muscles and then get in bed and go back to sleep.
I stretch in the morning before I get up, too. I do lay across my lap many times during the day to help keep the muscles from tightening up. It gives me a little more flexibility.