Hi Jessica,
The 3 things that have successfully helped improve my fibro pain:
Acupunture - from a NCCAOM Certified Acupuncturist (I had a serious phobia to needles but no more!)
*it changed my life in many ways - period problems, fibro pain, mental stress, nerve damage...etc
Warm Water Pool Therapy - find a local sports / physical therapy location in your area that provides classes
*one of the happiest days I have had since fibro began was discovering the genuine freedom of weightless, warm water that allowed my body (and me!) to feel normal while in the pool!!! And the huge benefit - of being able to actually do cardio while in the pool.
*the cost is nothing (47.50 per month - 3 days a week) and all I had to do was have my doctor approve it for the sports/physical therapy place. It has nothing to do with my health insurance.
It is simply a warm water pool class the facility offers at a very nominal fee.
Hydration - as much as I do not appreciate a glass of water - it helps. And, ironically as it is (because I like my beverages with Ice!) it goes down quicker if it is at room temp. Before I eat, take meds or drink any other fluids I drink 1 full glass of water. It is just an easy way I came up with to keep track without having to keep track at all.
Fibro is a journey, not a destination.... and these are the things that have given me the most consistant results to date. Yes, I am on meds also, however the impact of them seems less than significant in comparission to the results I attain from the above resources.