First and foremost, your wife needs to find what will help her get in control of her pain. See if she will come on the forum and then she can ask all the questions that are running around in her head.
There are some natural things she can try. Two that I use are vitamin D3 and magnesium malate. I posted links in Fibro 101 about these and how they work in your body. That's a good place to start. I also use ibuprofen with food, Tylenol, and a muscle relaxer called Robaxin that has helped with my muscle pain significantly. I also walk every day as a gente form of exercise and pace myself when doing things. If I lay or sit too long, I'm stiff as a board and have more pain.
Now, try not to worry about your children. They can sense your "vibes". I not only have fibro but also Crohn's disease that runs in families. I have three children and they were toddlers when I came down with these types of illnesses. My children are now, 40, 37, and 35 and none have fibro or Crohn's disease. There is nothing in the books that says just because a parent has an illness that their children will too. That's buying trouble. I pray protection over my children and so far so good.
No one knows the future so live a full and enjoyable life each and every day. I don't know how they could write with such surity that 50% of the children would have fibro in their lives. That person is not God. Even if that were true, that means 50% of the children would not have fibro in their lifetime! You can't worry about something you have no control over. They are actively researching fibro now and they could have a cure before your children reach adulthood. We don't know. Just enjoy each other and each day. That's the important thing.