Hi everyone,
So I am obviously new here, I have been reading the posts for the last day or so, for example fibro 101. I have been dealing with chronic pain for the last 5 or 6 years. I am only 27 years old, so whenever I would tell friends or family about this issue they would scoff and say, "Ha, you are way too young to have pain like this!" and now for about the last year, every month, I get flu like symptoms (swollen lymph notes, body aches, fever, chills, teeth hurt...) at least 4 times a month. I stopped telling people I was sick again for the 4th time this month because this is what I would hear, "Oh my gosh! How can a 27 year old be so sick?!" "You complain too much" "Well loose some weight!" "You need to start taking vitamins and eating better!" So I typically will suffer in silence, alone. I can't sleep because my whole body goes numb, my hands and feet swell and hurt (I have carpel tunnel and planter fasciitis), my eyes get blurry, my whole body just HURTS! I am so tired every day... I am tired in the morning, exhausted in the mid afternoon and so dead tired by the time I get out of work. I have tried working out to help make me feel better, but it actually makes it worse, I get nauseous and very dizzy. On Saturday I went to the urgent care because I was feeling flu-like for the 3rd time this month, and the doctor was listening to all my symptoms and suddenly blurted out, "Have you ever been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia?" I was shocked... I had heard of it before, but never put two and two together. She then said that I needed to make an appointment with my primary care doctor to follow up and get more tests done to rule out lupus, MS and Lyme's disease..... WTH?!!?!? I am very scared! Please help. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks everyone.