Posted 8/8/2014 1:37 PM (GMT 0)
I hope this doesn't come across as offensive in any way, shape, or form, but I'm wondering if others have ever felt this way, and if so, how do you handle it.
I have a lot of medical issues completely unrelated (at least I don't think so) to fibro. Often, when I see a new doctor, I don't even mention the fibro diagnosis. Heck, I'm even reluctant to bring it up to my GP. I feel like my other issues won't be taken seriously if I mention I have fibro. I've seen it happen before. The moment I mention it, it's like the shutters come down, and I feel like I'm not taken as seriously.
I have been diagnosed with fibro by 3 different rheumatologists. There is no doubt in my mind that I have it. And, I know I'm being irrational, and if I think I'm with a doctor who doesn't recognize fibro, I should switch. But most of the time it is a short term doctor, like an ER doc or a doc for a particular reason (like a surgeon).
I know I could probably get better care if I mentioned it, but I feel like so many people in the medical community still view fibro as "all in my head." I feel like there is still a stigma attached.
So I guess my question is, do you ever feel this way, and if so how do you handle it? I would like to get over my discomfort and embarrassment over having a real condition!