The weather, uggh. I can predict a storm coming hours in advance and correctly predict how many minutes until the rain starts. Really. A medium to heavy storm lays me flat out. I dread winter and when working need lots of accomadation to work at home, stay late to catch up the next day etc. My daughter who has fibro also reacts this way. And we can't handle the refrigerated sections of stores, picking up cold lettuce sends pain shooting through my hands! Cold blowing wind tortures the places it finds under my jacket and my face, aargh.
It's definitely not a mental process for me. I grew up with a father and mother who love rain so much that we had metal awnings over some windows to capture the sound better. We slept with windows ajar to listen as we fell asleep. I miss this relationship with weather enormously.
I found a wonderful reminder is in this thread. Lactic acid and stretching. I was told this a long, long time ago. It was forgotten. It comes at a perfect time as I have a difficult time doing PT for my knee surgery, even walking. I can remember to speak to my PT about
this and use it when I start pool walking this week
Most importantly, I can remember I am not failing when I have to do less exercises.
Hope your weather zones clear up,