I just did a quick read about
Percocet. My pain med was changed from Norco to 5mg Percocet after my knee surgery and the continued increased pain of fibro about
5 months ago. Then, all of a sudden I was having crazy pain in breastbone that wrapped around my entire upper back! Went to ER 2x in so much pain, the first time I truly thought I was dying. I could only think I was glad that I had a great day and felt good that I was at peace so dying was ok. The rest was rocking back and forth in pain like I have never had.
I have been suspicious about
the new medication and this issue since then.
I now have seriously increased knee pain from chronda patella syndrome and my dr is uping the dosage to 10mg. Now, first things first on this topic. I will cut the pill in half and take only 5mg unless end of day severe day, then take 2/3's. This is a way to get around the pharmacy and the rules, along with assisting me for a few months with this increased pain.
My research about
increasing the dose was the dr stated it had less Tylenol; it does not. I then kept reading and noticed a side effect was smoothing out the stomach and other muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Ah Ha! I think my suspicions may be correct. I will now work on getting back to Norco. It will be a while to get there as there is just to many pain issues in my body.
I have a full endoscope in about
a week and half, sigh.
Anyone else notice anything like this, a correlation???