Posted 9/21/2016 11:03 PM (GMT 0)
*enh* Tiger, I am sorry to hear you are so upset about this. I understand it can be odd being relatively new to a discussion board--and all members are indeed welcome. I would ask to put aside your belief that you were being reprimanded for a moment. I am sure you realize most discussion boards have ground rules, both formal and informal. These are to prevent meanness and keep the focus on fibromyalgia, a condition most here either identify with as being diagnosed, or suspect a diagnosis.
Sherrine's explanation back on the food thread is accurate--there was a huge blow-up, with factions and much internet meanness, very little support or kindness, all due to diet and food choices. It started small, with an innocuous discussion of gluten and sugars. Soon, it was all anyone wanted to talk about, and virtual punches were being thrown on every thread. The end result was several posters blamed others for causing their own pain due to their food choice, all based on anecdotal evidence, or that of dubious medical sources like Mercola. Nice, hunh?
There are two sides to this fibro problem-right? The presence of a symptom and whether the symptom is or is not linked to a condition. I see both sides, truly. One one hand-Correlation does not imply causation. On the other--there is little known about the condition, its causes, and the connections with others issues.
Most accepted science up to now points to a nervous system problem being the cause. New studies are being done about the gut-and how colon health may,or may not, be connected to our body's health.
The other issue at hand, making this condition a particularly devilish one, is the individuality of the symptoms based on each sufferer. All we can do is make observations based on symptoms, and what seems to have an impact on making them better or worse. Age, gender, socio-economic level, environment, family/support system, location, access to a medical system, exercise patterns, sleep patterns, AND other medical conditions all impact and mold our experience of fibro.
Many of us twofers and triple threats (those with multiple diagnoses), as well as those who have been managing the condition for some time, want to help others and support others as best we can. None of use are medical professionals. We are lay-people trying to share knowledge gained from personal experience.
*stepping off box, dusting it, and sliding it under desk*
Be well, all