Hi and welcome, As489!
Sherrine and Lj gave such good advice, as always.
Just adding that for me, prayer and my spiritual reading help a lot (personally, I love books on the saints, who went through much worse than I ever did). Hobbies are a huge plus, too, as are pets. "Talking" to others here who know what you're dealing with is helpful, too.
I sometimes click on the 'Blog' (very top) and find lots of inspiration, which I especially need when going through a rough patch. Fibro waxes and wanes, at least for me. I'm sure thankful for those easier days, and trying hard to deal with the ones that aren't so easy. Sometimes when that happens, I'll do something like clean out cupboards or drawers, especially if I can sit while doing it. I think it's important to "pat yourself on the back" for whatever you can accomplish. We just do what we can do.
There's also something else I've found inspiring. I get e-mails from New Life Outlook. I'll try to link to it at the end of this post.
Getting out, even for short, fun outings always gives me a lift, especially if I feel like I've gotten into a rut.
It can take a while to see what meds, exercises, etc. work best for you. I'm trying to increase my walking time outside, little by little. My dog is good company and loves our walks.
I think we with fibro need lots of patience; at least I know I do! But life can be good and fulfilling; a battle at times, for sure, but a positive thing. I guess we just have to each find our niche via trial and error.
This is a wonderful, helpful forum, and very supportive. Hope you'll keep posting and let us know how you are doing. Wishing you the very best!