Hello everyone, i'm glad i found this place!!
I just want to tell you a little bit about
myself so you kind of know who am i and what i'm dealing with.
I was born and raised in Belarus (former Russian republic) and we came here in 1992. I have a 17 year old son who was born back home in 1990.
I don't like doctors and i try to avoid them unless something is bothering me, the only doctor i visit frequently is my Gyno.
She discovered some ovarian cyst and sent me for a complete blood panel before she wanted to do a surgery. Well, my blood came back showing something out of norm for my liver, she sent me to see a specialist and here i am. I did my cyst surgery and everything went fine.
Back to liver now. My GI diagnosed me with Hep B virus HBsAg positive, low HBV DNA and slight elevation in serum ALT (i'm sorry, i don't really understand all that), and he told me that i am an Inactive carrier.
I have no clue where i got this thing, i went back to my medical records for my son that i brought from home, and sure enough, while i was pregnant i was a Carrier for Australian Antigen (which is Hep B). So i had it for a long time, but i never knew it?? How come no one back home did nothing about
it? I'm really upset about
the whole situation, the mistreatment and ignorance of doctors over there! I don't even know if my son was vaccinated after he was born, i can't understand some of the handwriting in this record of mine. He was vaccinated here (3 vaccines), but if he already had the virus, what good will it do??
I'm sitting here and crying my eyes out, thinking back of my past and how many stupid mistakes i made that might have lead to this B thing. I've never done drugs or used needles. but had couple of boyfriends who might had carried a disease, may be even my ex
I am mostly scared for my son and my boy-friend of 12 years. I don't drink, well, only when there is an occasion, x-mas, b-day, whatnot. I do smoke, i actually cut down to may be 5 cigs a day, but i never smoked more then 1/2 pk a day if that. I know i need to quit period!!!
My mom, my son and my BF are going for a blood work this coming Tuesday. I'm just praying GOD that they not contracted anything, i know chances are 0 and i'm deathly afraid of the future of my son, he's so young and has so much to do and live for, he has all his life ahead of him and i'm blaming myself every day now for my stupid mistakes.
I don't know what to expect from all this, my doc just wants to monitor me, and every six month do blood work.
I went and bought Milk Thistle, and some Dandelion tea, don't know if that will do anything or not. I do drink coffee and i'm not willing to give it up anytime soon :o)
So, i'm just here to read all of your stories, progresses and make some friends-in-crime to say. I've noticed that there are a lot of you with Hep C, which i tested negative for, and i would like to know more about
Hep B from some of you who have it and your experiences. I've been reading and educating myself a lot, i think i know more about
Hep B then i need, but it always good to keep yourself educated.
Again, sorry for the long vent, i'm keeping my fingers crossed for my son, my bf and my mom. Not so much for myself.
Take care everyone and may you all stay strong through your battles.