Almost two years ago, my mother (now 77) was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver after an sudden and dramatic episode of esophagal bleeding. She had no symptoms prior to that, apart from osteoporosis and a bit of fatigue, both of which we put down to old age, so we were very shocked.
Mom has never been a drinker, and the doctors are unsure what caused her cirrhosis.
She has been relatively stable since her diagnosis, and has been having followup appointments to check for esophagal varices and to put bands on when necessary. At her last appointment (July 2007) she needed no bands, and her most recent bloodwork tests (October 2007) were within "normal" limits for someone with her condition, except for a low platelet count. The only medication she is on is beta-blockers for portal hypertension.
This past week, however, she has been feeling "lousy" (her word) with a very poor appetite, no energy, some flu-like aches and pains, and dark urine. She has had short bouts of this before, but not lasting this long. She has been eating better the last couple of days, but is still complaing about feeling tired and rotten and having dark urine. She has a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Monday, but needless to say I'm worried sick that it might be her liver finally beginning to fail in earnest.
This started without warning the morning after Easter Sunday dinner. She actually had a similar bout the day after Easter last year, but she was okay after a day or two. (We think that bout was caused by drinking coffee that was too strong.) I am wondering if this has something to do with eating holiday meals and upsetting her liver with rich food. We had ham for supper last Sunday, but she only had a very small piece...but she also had a piece of lemon pie for dessert, and other things we don't normally eat, like asparagus.
Can anyone shed any light on what might be going on? Having to wait a whole week for her to see the doctor is going to wear me down. I'm ten times more worried than she is...but then I simply cannot bear the thought of losing her.