Clare, your friend's drinking being the cause of her disease should have nothing to do with getting a transplant, as long as she is not drinking now and has been sober for (I think) 6 mos. Did she only stop drinking when she was hospitalized? The slurred speech could be from the morphine or from encephalopathy--hard to tell. I'm surprised that they haven't drained her yet.
When I was having such a problem with edema and ascites, I was never placed on a fluid restriction--just had to curtail salt intake (which I still do) and prescribed Lasix and Aldactone. At one point, the Lasix dose was 80 mg a day. I'm down to 20 right now. I also was never drained. I asked about it and was told that there is too much risk of infection. Obviously, they didn't think my fluid retention was as bad as I thought it was.