Mrs O,
I havent posted here in months, but when I read what you went through it was just like what happened to my mother. She begged for months to be sent to a transplant center, and was continuously told she wasnt bad enough, well she too had the low blood pressure, and took a turn for the worst and eventually we had to stop all measures to keep her alive. I know exactly what you are going though second guessing if what you did was the right thing. I will forever second guess myself if I did the right thing, and if I was the best advocate when it came to her care. But I do have peace in knowing that when they did pull the plug she did only live for 9 mins so that is how sick she really was and that probably was the best thing to do in her situation. It is so much easier knowing that our loved ones arent in pain anymore, or suffering this disease, because it has so many symptoms and just when you get one undercontrol another one pops up. Please let yourself believe that it was for the best, because you really didnt want your loved one to suffer many years of this. I truely believe now this was for the best and you have to too.God Bless,