HAPPY bIRTHDAY RICK- hope you had a good one
THanks Connie, for trying to explain your opinions, you have made it easier to understand. I try to form my opinions on what knowledge i have and any experiences I have been through myself. I don'twish to offend anyone with my difference of opinion. Liver disease, alcoholics i can only form my opinion on what i have been through.
Years ago i went to see a doctor about my disorder,he did not understand but sent me to a psychologist. all she wanted to do was disect my life and what i had been through, throughout the years. She never helped, maybe i did not give her a chance but i was fed up leaving her office more depressed than i was when i went in. although i have had this disorder for many years i do manage to control it most of the time, but it is always there.
Also, when my husband and i went through the adoption process in Scotland, we went to lots of group sessions. A big part of that was addictions (drug and alcohol abuse) and the effects on the childeren born to addcits. The same for birth parent who suffered manic depression/ schizophrenia. They had figures to support heredity factors, i think it was 10% if one parent had suffered or 20% chance if both parents suffered. They had a lot of background info on birth parents and this was to ensure we knew what our adoptive child might have a chance in developing these illnesses. They also went into other illnesses handicaps ect. We both have family history of both, it never occured to us not to have our first child who was born naturally, why should we deny ourselves and another child for the same reason.
Sorry Dee Dee for taking over your post a bit