Thank you for the reply. I too had alot of thick curly hair,but lately its been falling out and I have some bald spots. I try to cover it by moving my hair differently but its just horrible my hair is also limp.
Alittle more about me:
I have cirrhois,gallstones,varices,swelling my glucose has been dropping into the 40s,tired,cant sleep,Twitching in my face,I'm not jaundice instead i have broken capillaries{spider like veins}all over my body and dark red marks,My labs are all out wack.
I'm on 1-50mg blood pressur pill a day,2-lasix a day,prilosec,lactoloose,2-tbs. a day,milk thistle, and a vitamin.
I still work 4-12 hr shifts every week,but i'm getting really tired,its starting to get to me. I try to be as normal as possible but i am really slowing down. I wish I could keep up with my grandchildren but I cant. I pretty much watch them enjoy themselves, I take them places and just watch,It does put a smile on my face.
I have a strong will to live and do my best to take care of myself.
I think my family is in denial or just dont want to think about,but i can really use their help some times. I know if i asked my kids would be there but ihave a hard time doing that. I m the one that does for everybody. Sometimes I wish they would come over and clean my house. My house is clean,but i cant do heavy lifting so my furniture doesnt get moved,This bothers me. I guess i'm alittle OCD.
Take care everybody,and thanks for listening or rather reading,lol
Dee Dee