I dont know what caused him to start up again, getting him to talk to me about his feelings, is like breaking his leg off... he has so many things that he has issues about and turns to drinking for, and bottles everything up inside him--- He is an only child, his mom passed away from cancer 5 years ago at 58, his father is a severe alcholic that only makes things worse... he grew up watching his dad beat the crap out of his mother daily, until she finally got the strength to divorce him when my husband was 12... As far as AA, he was not going, he does not believe in it (this is an alcholic talking) He was in AA once and went through all the steps, and accually did very well in his class, stayed sober for 30 days and that was it--! He says it is a joke and that people are just there because they have to be, and it upset him that durning the breaks people would go in the alley in smoke pot.. and then go back into the meetings... so he said he will never go to that again... (this was before our relationship started)...
He claims the medicine makes him feel worse, I know the nadol will cause drowsiness but that is all that I can see for side affects... He has started to itch all over due to the high billirubon levels, and the only thing that takes it away according to him is the alchohol he knows the consiquences, so I dont understand why he would start again, he was doing so well.. he had a doctors appointment on the 11th, that he didnt go to.. so basically to me it seems like he is just giving up.. it is not a few beers that he is drinking it is hard liqour and a lot of it---- thank you for letting me get my feelings out, it really helps sometimes--