Sweetie, if you don't take care of you, how are you going to take care of her?? Not trying to sound abrupt. But, while she is in the hospital is definitely the time for you to take a break, get some rest, etc. She is in a place where there are highly capable people around to take care of her. I was in your place early on with my husband. Felt like I had to be there every waking moment, and absolutely wore myself out trying to be at the hospital with him, then rushing back to pick up my son from whoever I had watching him because I felt guitly about
not spending time with him, either. You have GOT to take a break, get out of that hospital and take care of yourself. Go for a visit for a few hours a day, but leave, and go home and eat and sleep!!! She will be fine. The hospital staff will take care of her.
You take care of you so you care able to take care of others!