hubby was diagnoses with hep c when they first had that diagnosis, not sure. at first it was called non a, non b hepatitis.
he kept drinking...
he took the inteferon/ribavarin treatement in 2003 and quit drinking for a year. the treatment failed. he stayed off the sauce for a year then gradually allowed himself a glass of wine...and it started.
he has had good and bad times since. they started calling it cirrhosis about then also.
they test him all the time...blood, endoscopy, colonoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, ct scans, mri's. he had 2 pill endoscopies after some bleeding last year. turns out he gets these bleeding episodes in his small bowel and they can fix those AVM's via enteroscopy. I think this is maybe not a liver thing, just something he has. They explained that a veinus malformation is a cluster of tiny capillaries that have likely been there forever start to seep. He gets really anemic and they fix him up.
he has stage 2+ varicies in esophagus and anus, so he takes meds for hepatic hypertension.
hepatic ecepalopathy from the high ammonia build up and takes the lactulose.
ascites and edema so he takes 3 diuretics
he is very jaundiced now with the high bilirubin...his urine was dark rust colored in hospital but that is somewhat resolved.
he had a rectal bleeding episode in early September and he tumbled downhill quickly.
he is short of breath and has NO energy. he goes from couch to recliner to bed. Though once a day he wants to "go somewhere" and we take him for a ride. NO DRIVING.
the doc at U Miami says that he won't last til Christmas with his decompensated liver if he drinks again. period end.
i'm not so sure that it is going to make any difference in the outcome at this point. my bones are not optimistic today.
he has been alcohol free like emma's hubby for a month. and to tell the truth, he is not feeling better better, but he is better than he has been since the bleeding.
the sad part is he is 60.
the good part is that he is not in pain of any kind.
that's it for me today, off to bed.