I get that Hepatic Encelopathy is awful.
I get that becoming less than the man you used to be is awful.
I get needing lots of care and stuff is awful.
And I even get that the doc saying he can't drive anymore, it isn't safe and that is the worst news of all. Worse than that he has a terminal illness bar transplantation. Not driving is the worst of the worst of the worst.
I U N D E R S T A N D it is awful for him.
So, now, why, tonight, must he make World War III out of wanting to drive himself to the movies. HIMSELF. It's not far. I am glad to drive him, come to the movies as well, maybe see a film less scarey/less violent, but NO he wants to take the car and drive to the movies. At night. Alone.
We are in a life and death snit over this. Why oh why am I the bad guy here? The doc was clear, it is in the medical records...no driving and if he drives and crashes and hurts someone, the insurance won't cover.
I guess the HE is bad enough tonight to think that going to the mat over a gosh d...(self edit by author) movie is worth the fight.
Mama Lama has her fur in a snit tonight.
If this was one of the kids, back in their teen days, I'd be on my broom!
Now I just feel guilty and overwrought.