Hi Kate!
For starters, ask about a biopsy! If your numbers have normalised from being as high as they were, I wonder if it is AIH or maybe it was drug-induced hep? Were you taking Tylenol or other pain meds? Any antibiotics that you aren't on anymore? I'm guessing the GP who diagnosed you did an ANA test? Other than the ultrasound, what did they do to diagnose you with AIH? Or maybe you have CMV or some other seemingly innocuous virus that caused trouble? In any case, definitely ask about a biopsy. That is the "gold standard" for diagnosis. Not everyone has changes in their antibodies but there are specific cellular changes in the liver to differentiate it from other liver diseases...although I don't know how the tissue would look if there is no current inflammation going on...seeing as it's not a true liver disease but an autoimmune disease. So with no current inflammation, there may not be any changes in the liver tissue on biopsy right now. You should ask about that too! At this point, you want to be absolutely sure what the diagnosis is to know best treatment options.
If the hepatologist is convinced it's AIH, then ask about treatment or if he/she would want to play the wait and see game to see if your levels elevate again. He/she may be comfortable with just starting you on an immunosuppressant and bypassing the prednisone (that's used for inflammation which you probably don't have since your LFTs are normal )
Bring a notepad with you to write questions and answers or anything the hep says that you'll want to remember later. It's overwhelming initially then you just go with the flow.
So the questions:
-Have you had ANA, ASMA, anti-LKM-1, maybe anti LSA (I dont' think I had that one done but my ASMA was positive - not initially - and my ANA had been positive for years prior to diagnosis)?
-Will you have a biopsy?
-how frequently you should go in for blood tests...the docs are all diff but most of us go in every 3 months for monitoring
-If it's AIH and they put you on pred, you should have a baseline bone density scan and ask about multi vitamins and calcium + Vit. D supplements. If they aren't putting you on pred, then which immunosuppressant. If it's Imuran (usually 1st choice), you can ask if they'll do the TPMT test to see if you can tolerate it before even starting...I never had it done, just switched to it once stable on pred and CellCept.
-Annual abdominal US
I think that's long enough! Gotta start making some pretty graphs before my boss kicks my keester!
You are not alone though so please ask whatever you need to ask!