Porcupine, congrats on your sobriety! Over 6 mos., isn't it? Staying sober is the trick, so keep on going to those meetings! If you have the urge to pick up a drink, think it through. What will happen if you take that first drink? I don't know about you, but I could never have just one. I would drink until I was drunk or ran out of money. And we can never really guarantee what will happen when we drink.
If you continue as you are, free of liquor and focusing on your diet, hopefully you will never blow up again or have a crisis. No, you are not definitely going to get cirrhosis or liver cancer--as long as you don't drink. Drinking for you is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Do you have a sponsor? If not, get one. And call him with your concerns.
Alcoholism is the disease that tells us we don't have a disease. But I am here to remind you that you do. Your liver will also remind you, if you continue to abuse it. Nobody can tell you how long you will live. But I guarantee it will be longer if you don't drink, barring an accident or some such.
Nobody likes to be told what to do and I am no exception. However, I did a little reverse psychology on myself when I was newly sober. I told myself that I COULD drink...if I wanted to. And giving myself permission, I really didn't want to drink. For you, it could be calling your sponsor to discuss it and promising yourself that you will not have that drink until you speak to your sponsor or bring up the urge in AA meetings.
Mainly, it's a matter of thinking it through and using common sense. Also, you deserve better.