I have a question for those of you who have dealt with the itching.
I have had itching now off and on for over 8 years. I have had myriad tests, even went to the allergist. Since my father died of liver disease and always complained he was an "old yaller dog with fleas" the itching has concerned me.
Liver panels in the past have come out alright, no issues, but I now read here of people who kept getting good liver panels and had liver disease anyway.
My itching is face predominent, if a hair brushes across my face it will itch. Is this consistent with liver issues?
Right now my ANA is 1:640 and my liver is enlarged. I'm being screened for autoimmune issues (ugh, autoimmune liver scares the stuffing out of me), and just wondered if this itching is very intermittent (I get it 3 or 4 times a year) or if it is something that kind of hangs on.