Hello Everyone,
I am so glad to have found this forum. I have been reading thru the posts for a couple of weeks now and have learned so much. I will try to keep this post as short as I can..lol
In Oct. 2010 I had elevated liver enzymes from a routine blood test, I tested postive for chronic Hep C.
I was shocked, had no symptons and felt good. I am now 47 and think I have had HepC for 28 years.
I was refered to a Gastro Doc, He ordered a ultrasound which showed FattyLiver and gallstones. He really just blew me off never talked about biopsy or treatment (never even mentioned that there was treatment options.) Since I was having no problems and lost my health insurance soon after I never followed up or have been back to a Dr since then.
In May 2011 my Hubby was dx with NonHodgkins Lymphoma and we went thru many. many bad times, But he is finished with chemo and in remission now. I have been feeling bad lately, at first I tried to just blame it on the stress of the last year. But I am now scared it could be liver related. I never did drink alcohol very much and have not had any since I found out about the HepC, that was about the only thing the Dr stressed to me was no acohol. I need to do better with my diet as I am overweight and no that I need to lose weight and exercise more.
Here's the problems I have been having, The worst thing is Fatigue, I am so tired all the time, no energy at all. My ankles and sometimes my hands swell, I think I am retaining fluid in my abdomen, when I walk or do much I get short of breath. I also have a ache on my right side under my ribcage , I would not describe it as pain but more a ache that comes and goes.Which really scares me after reading on here about others with HepC and Liver Cancer. I just feel bad alot, enough that I am ready to see a Dr again.
I have been waiting for the last couple of months to get insurance, and I finally got approved this month. I have been looking online to try and find a good Heptalogist in GA , There are two transplant hospitals here Emory and Peidmont Hospital. I am really thinking about seeing someone at Emory, I have no idea if I can just make myself an appointment or if I have to have a referral, I do not have a regular GP yet.
Anyways nice to be able to chat with other people that have the same concerns and fears that I have. For 2 years my Hubby has kinda been in denial that I have something that could make me really ill, and he has enough stress worrying about his cancer returning, so we dont talk about my HepC much.
I have read alot of peoples post and I am sad for the battles lost and Happy for the victories won.
Thanks for reading