Welcome to the Forum.
I see your post here on the Caregivers thread. Since you are a new member, it would be so good for you to go to the EDIT Button (the pencil) and it will open your post in an editable screen. Copy and paste your post into a NEW TOPIC. With a good name, like "Dad Desperately needs Liver Transplant in California" Then more folks will find you than just the Caregiver folks. If you don' tknow how to do that, ask me and I will do it for you.
Your Dad's situation sounds like many/most of our patient members with End Stage Liver Disease and his course is moving rapidly.
So many symptoms. So many meds. It seems like a science project every single day for these ESLD patients to hold on.
My partner, Mike, was in this state when he got to a Transplant Center for evaluation in the fall of 2010. His MELD was 24 when he arrived for the first appointment, but they could not do the work up because he was actively drinking alcohol! He needed to take all those meds, slug through the side effects, had the same type of on again off again hospitalizations, AND attend AA meetings FOR 6 MONTHS AND HAVE HIS MEETINGS DOCUMENTED. He was in a haze, but he did it.
Like your Dad, he sprouted a tumor and that was really scarey. But the tumor committee DID give him extra points and he was transplanted exactly, 8 months and 12 days after he appeared for the first Pre Transplant Clinic appointment...and not a moment too soon. The docs told us it was a race to the clock.
I received your email about the UNOS data base and will respond here on line in a further post. and when you move your post I will move my respose also so that your CASE all stays together.
Best to you and your family. Know that others are here for you and have been through this trip together. Read back posts. Many have had good experiences with the transplant process.
You are correct, that the need for donors is higher in California and that they do not do surgery until the MELD is higher. At our center, in Miami, they do the transplants at MELD 22 on the average. Mayo in Jacksonville in Florida is about the same.
Some folks, where insurance isn't an issue, sign up at more than one center, or move during the tranpslant time...but I know Kaiser is a bear...they want to control the process at their end and won't let you move without their permission. Now that you are almost at the finish line, I think you need to trust that they will do the right things to help give your Dad a second chance at life.
Carol aka Mama Lama