This is terrible news.
Is your Dad well enoughto participate in the decisions that need to be made in the next days?
Are his intentions clear about his end of life intentions? At some point you have to figure out the risks and rewards of continued interventions. You will want to do as much as he wants to do to prolong his life, so long as prolonging life is consistent with the quality of the life it offers.
Does he have the proper DNR documents in place? Are you all in agreement?
Have you let any family members or friends from near and far know how ill he is so that they might visit before any 60/40 decisions are made. He may want to see folks..folks may want to see him, etc.
I hope that he rallies in the next days.
I lost both my parents when they were relatively young (54 and 65) and it was dreadful...they were both so ill. My Mom was not ready, was frightend and desperately clung onto us at the nd. My Dad was ready, telling us all he had had a good life, loved us, wsa proud of the adults we 3 had become, but he was prepared to go. Frankly it was easier with Dad, once he let go...and that we TALKED about it together. We were all better prepared and knew we had done all we could for him and that he was not longer suffering.