My partner is on the same treatment, Sovaldi and Olysio. You can see his thread here: was undetected, < 15 at week 4 and continued undetected (a that tests limit) at < 15 at the 8 week tests..
He finishes late May and will see the Hep docs then. We have a lot of how long he will have sun sensitivity.
His billi and createnine have been up a bit and we called the clinic. They have done some some additoinal tests, including a urine culture.
Mike is post transplant (July 1, 2011) and for fun I calculate his MELD score from time to time. He is about
an 8...hmmm.
The thing for him to remember is that folks who need a transplant eventually who are NOT burdened with Hep C have a pretty normal life expectancy post TP. Those still infected with Hep C, don't do as well long term. He will be so much better off without the Hep C. If his lifestyle choices (no booze, low sodium, healthy diet) continue, he could have a lower MELD score over time! And hold off that old TP forever.
They told us that if Mike didn't clear the virus this time, not to dispair, that there are several additional meds coming online that he could retreat at a later time. This one has not been at all like the treatment he had in 2003!
Without the Hep C, the chances of developing liver cancer HCC are lowered also.
Best to you,
Mama Lama