Dearest Friends,
I don't know if I am over-reacting or whether my Gene has reached a new stage in the course of his illness.
For the past week, I've noticed new and different subtle symptoms. Gene is having difficulty formulating what he wants to say and word finding problems unlike anything I've seen previously from his hepatic encephalopathy. Yesterday he was trying to tell me he had organized my closet and put all my jackets in one place but he kept saying my vests or coats were there and he used the word bathtub for bathroom. There have also been changes in his personality; he is busy organizing and changing things around the house. I'm starting think this is brain mets rather than liver related and will speak with the hospice nurse today. And you already know how helpful Vitas has been in the past.
There really is no point in doing scans or tests as Gene's liver cannot tolerate chemo or radiation. So we will just wait this out and see what happens. If his symptoms improve it will likely be another form of hepatic encephalopathy. If the symptoms worsen or new ones develop, then we will make him comfortable and continue holding each other close, cherishing our memories. Especially those of our trips to the Rose.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I've walked in the light for the past four weeks. If this is the other shoe falling, I will face it headon and not return to the blackness. My support will come from God, myself and others in my life; not hospice.