Cheryl, I did answer your question about this earlier this evening, in another thread. Whatever you get over-the-counter is not going to be really effective. You need to make your doctor aware of the swelling...he may notice it himself...and request a diuretic. If you take both Lasix and Aldactone, you will not have to worry about depletion of potassium. If you only take Lasix, then you will also need to take a prescribed potassium pill.
Abdominal distention can also be caused by swallowed air. Do you drink a lot of carbonated drinks or chew gum? Do you drink through a straw? Smoke? All these things will cause you to have abdominal distention.
As for the breathing issue, I suggest you use 2 or 3 pillows when you go to bed, so you are not lying quite so flat.
For edema in general, you should curtail your salt intake. There is a lot of salt in things like bacon and sausage, frozen dinners, and soups, among other things. Read labels.
I am glad you have a doctor appt. on Mon. Please tell him about your concerns and be sure to post again to let us know what he prescribed or recommended.