Hello everyone I am new to this site.. I have been looking all over the web to try and find a forum about cirrohsis of the liver. My dad was diagnoised with it last year. He didn't have many symptoms except weakness in his legs and tiredness. When he was a younger man he is (78 now..)he did drink somewhat. The Dr. told us his disease was a fatty problem he does not have hep..My dad will not admit that when he as younger he was a drinker. He has stopped drinking for probally 30 years now. My family, mom, sister, brother, etc. had no idea what we were all in for when this disease came upon us. I knew some because I use to be a nurses aide. The story goes on and on..The first thing that happened to my dad because of the cirrohsis was he woke up one morning with blood all over the bed, and had been sick allnight..he was in bad shape when the squad came. His B?P was very low, his oxygen too. He was on the floor and could not get up..I tried to help them get him on the cot but we could not lift him they had to call recruites and by that time dad was so pale and lethargic!! Ok, rushed him into hosp., trying to save his life, ended up with eight pts of blood, varices surgery, and it was a close one..He got better came home.
What we are dealing with now is that same I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS NEXT THING??? The water pills were dehydrating him and he had to go to hosp 3 times because of that, his feet and legs got so big one time they split open and drained out, then, you think he is doing pretty good but, he is always weak, but then some times he can still even drive his car..dang what the heck?? He was great and then comes a urinary tract infection, or kidney failure, he feels good and then is so weak he can't hardly make it to the bathroom even with his walker. The DR's dont say too much when you ask them stuff. I want to know how bad he is??? He has never gotten jaundice yet, his swelling is down, he has varices surgery three times and needs one more...then what?? My little mom is 82, but, very active, I worry about her worring about just doesn't realize that this is how it is going to be from now so sad!!
The good news is that he lost weight and no more has to take a sugar pill or blood pressure pill and his stats are doing pretty good now.
If my dad's liver is real bad bad should he be having other symptoms??? They never did a biopsy on him either because of the bleeding...they did a cat scan and 100,000 other tests..I WOULD just like to know anything anyone can add for me to read, I dont care how bad of news it is, Please just tell it like it is...this is driving me nuts
Thankx so much for taking the time to read my post...