Hi Connie, thanks for the nice reply. I know what you mean about
"Doing things normal people do" lol....... although I never did claim to be a normal person, even before all this liver mess began !!!!!...... I am so proud of you that you hung in there and are now disease free. Gosh, thats great, Connie. A success story :)
I think the thing that really frustrates me the most is when people look at me and accuse me of drinking all kinds of fluids all day. Sometimes I have hardly any and still balloon up. My legs were bad before all this began.....I had poor circulation in my lower legs, so this just exacerbates it... (My big word for the day. LOL)......
Yeah, it is a constant battle of the meds I am taking. I think I put too much on myself sometimes, trying to be the perfect patient. I dont think there is one to tell u the truth, and I feel guilty when i get sick. Sounds silly, but it was my upbringing i guess. (dont get me started, I could write a book on growing up guilty...guess what religion i am? LOL)
Well, connie thanks again and I will take your words to heart. I get to go shopping with a friend tomorrow and am really looking forward to getting outside these four walls.... we are going craft shopping. We do greeting cards together, so it should be fun. :)
Have a good night and thanks for taking the time to help me out, all of you. You are angels on earth. I am really glad for this forum. God help me, these mood swings have to stop as well..... LOL gnite......linda :)