I am really sorry that your husband has been diagnosed with liver disease. As Shelly has noted, education is very important. Please go to the Hepatitis Resources section on the Hepatitis main page, up at the top, and read about liver disease and what to expect. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) is due to elevated bilirubin. A disease liver cannot process toxins well. The best thing he could have done was to stop drinking. It is the absolutely worse thing for a diseased liver. The fact that he has ascites and has had to be drained indicates that he has end stage liver disease. However, there is always hope. With diet and medication (and continued alcohol abstinence), he may get better on his own. Or he may qualify for a liver transplant. I will tell you, though, that he will not even be evaluated for one until he has 6 months of documented alcohol counseling or AA attendance. So the amount of time he has been sober may not be considered at all, if that is the root cause of his liver disease.
Meanwhile, take it one day at a time and do ask questions. If you read the educational material, it should trigger some questions for you to ask the doctors.