June, I've just accepted the chronic fatigue as the way it is and is going to be. Since I don't want to subject my body to hep C treatment, there's no chance it's going to improve.
I do want to caution you on the Medicare and Mayo. Do NOT sign up for a Medicare supplement, which will be an HMO. Mayo does not accept them!! Since you got a bill from your primary care doc, it makes me wonder if you haven't already signed up for a supplement and your doc is not in the network, so you got a bill. If you do not have the supplement, you can go to any primary care doctor who will take Medicare and it should be paid for, though you may have a co-pay or owe 20% of the bill. I had just signed up for a supplement when I first went to Mayo and had to stop the application in order to be treated by them. They do have a charity fund that will pick up any balances that insurance doesn't pay. You have to fill out the forms and submit 6 mos. of bank statements and proof of income. They covered me for 3 yrs., but this year they are refusing, saying I don't meet their guidelines--though they don't say what their guidelines are. Nothing has changed on my end, so I'm thinking they may limit help to an individual to 3 years or maybe they have a cap that I've reached. I'll find out when they start billing me for my recent hip surgery. The surgery was necessary and I had had all the pre-op testing done when I received their letter of denial. So I decided I had no choice but to go ahead with surgery and worry about payment later. I know that Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of it. Since I had NO insurance for 12 yrs. prior to being approved for SSD, Medicare and Medically Needy have been blessings for me, allowing me to go to Mayo. I always had HMOs when I did have insurance previously.
I had lost 10 lbs. rapidly after hernia surgery, without even trying, but have gained it back. I am quite sure it's from lack of mobility. This is probably the case with you, between feeling fatigued and your foot surgery.
Hang in there, guys!