Hi there, I hope you don't mind if I join in your extremely useful and supportive forum!
I am currently caring for my husband who is 34yrs old and has suffered with Chronic Liver Disease for the past 3 years and we are now being told we are at the end of the line. We have 2 children, a 14yo and 13mth old and I just wanted somewhere I could go to get advice and know that I am not alone as most days that is the way I feel.
My husband's disease is cause by alcohol abuse and he did stop drinkng for 2 years until he was told that things weren't really improving so he started having a few beers again until old habits started up. He has stopped drinking for periods of time but depression and anxiety and pain would set in and the cycle would start over. At the end of last year he got really sick and 6 weeks ago I was told that he has signs of end stage liver failure.
He constantly has bleeding gums, bleeding for the ear, jaundice, blood shot and yellow eyes, very weak and tired, hardly eats and extreme cramp like pain in the liver area. He also complains of having pins and needles and lack of feeling in his legs and arms and constantly has the tremors & vomitting & a constant headache. He doesn't really have much signs of confusion but more blank spots of memory where he can't remember a conversation for example. Blood tests done last week shows platelet levels at 16000 and ammonia level at 142.
As you are all aware it is a horrible and sad illlness and he refuses to goto hospital and wishes to stay at home so I am trying to prepare myself as I have little knowledge and also my 14yo son as we are slowly watching this disease killing him. The doctor said we would be lucky to have another 2 months with him but that is just a guess on his behalf. His platelet level dropped 10000 in 2 weeks.
I am sorry to go on but if anyone has gone through this or going through this are can offer any advice as to what is to be expected and roughly how long we have left with him I would greatly appreciate your knowledge and advice.
Thanks again
Victoria, Australia.