Natty, it sounds like you went through a very rough time with pneumonia. I know that must have been scary when you were pregnant. My S.O. and I don't live together (we did some time ago, for 3 yrs.) This has been a 16-year relationship that ebbs and flows romantically, but we have always remained very good friends--he's my best friend locally. So I told him I would go to his place for a couple of days after he is released, if possible. Guess that makes me a (very) temporary caregiver. He is anxious to get home, but doesn't know when they will release him. From my own experience in hospitals, they generally don't tell you until the day of release.
I have 4 consults, 3 immunizations, and blood work tomorrow at Mayo. Hopefully, that will be it for awhile. But I'm sure they will be calling me in regularly for blood work and scans, especially if I get on the waiting list for a new liver. I also have a primary care visit scheduled for June 23nd and a mammogram on the 29th. No rest for the weary.