You can live a very happy and long life, even with Hep C....IF you start taking care of yourself now. Detox, start working on making a healthy lifestyle for yourself. We care about what happens to you.
My hubby, age 65 lived with Hep C a long time, but partially because he took care of himself, ate healthy and was able to say "No thanks" when his friends offered him alcohol. He just would say, "I'm trying to save what little liver I have left," and would laugh and order ice tea or fake beer. Don't know if that will work with you and your friends, but No One is going to care about your health Like You.
You are way too young to drink yourself to death. And it is a very hard and miserable way to die. Please find a detox and get there. Congratulations for the job and getting off the street. There are those here that have dealt with the quit drinking issue. They will help give you words of wisdom on that issue.
Have a good week, Billy