When is he seeing the new doctor? It is possible that if he does have AIH, that it's mild. Some, very few, folks can have very mild AIH and don't stay on treatment but remain under observation. When/if the levels start to climb and don't come down on their own, they are put on pred. The relapse/flare incidence for people who are treated and fully wean off medication is 75%. That's why most people are maintained indefinitely on something. They generally try to wean off all prednisone while also on an immunosupressant and then maintain on the immunosuppressant.
So maybe it's an overlap and the Urso is helping the other (either PSC or PBC) and the AIH is mild and staying under control. In any case, the new doc should definitely review his biopsy or have another pathologist review the biopsy as there are specific cellular changes for all the diseases and that's why the biopsy is the definitive diagnotic test.
As Ann said, everyone responds differently. However, his LFTs are normal now so that's great!